On March 23, 11 employees attached to the @Alpha Maintenance Nord / Normandie Center participated in an awareness-raising workshop on environmental issues led by the team from the Graville micro-farm, near Le Havre, created and managed by the association “Graine d'Union”.
This workshop was an opportunity for the participants to learn about permaculture and to build refuges intended to shelter the fauna and the insects essential for the good balance of the ecosystem and for the flourishing of an autonomous garden. In addition, all of the sums donated to Graine d’Union for the occasion will be used to finance new developments for the micro-farm.
It was again the opportunity to have a good moment of conviviality in this troubled period, while raising awareness of environmental issues and the possibility for everyone to act on their own scale by changing small habits, such as "Take take into account the importance of soils before planting ”or“ Making better use of what nature naturally gives us to avoid wasting water ”(collection of reactions collected after the workshop).
Organized by our partner LAKAA, this initiative, once again very well received by all the participants, is part of the current CSR approach, within all the entities of the Ponticelli Frères Group in the year 2021 and will be followed by other actions throughout France.
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